About Us
Collingwood is a vibrant and exciting town, striving to meet the demands of an informed, involved population. This is witnessed daily at the Collingwood Public Library. I would like to acknowledge the consideration and support extended by our many patrons, friends, the Ministry of Culture, Industry Canada, Southern Ontario Library Service, Simcoe County Library Co-operative, Collingwood Town Council, Town Hall staff, Library Board members, Library staff members, volunteers, businesses, service clubs and our community media.
Both Library Board and Town Council members recognize the constant requirements for versatility and change as we move forward in time. Instant access to global information has become commonplace, yet our community remains interested enough to keep sight of, and value, grassroots service. Not one of the Collingwood Public Library services is realized without constant support, concerns, and vision.
Heartfelt thanks to all who continue to make local public library business flourish! Drop in and check us out any time. If you have any questions, comments, or require further information regarding the library, please contact us at your convenience.