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Berkey Water Filter Canada

Berkey Water Purifiers ~ Berkey Canada



Welcome to Conscious Water ~ Your Pure Source!


We offer powerful, reliable, and economical water purification, alkalizing and mineralizing solutions.


Conscious Water is a Canadian business specializing in the Berkey water filter.  Seeking a safe, constant, reliable, pure water source for your family?  Water purified of  bacteria, viruses, chlorine, arsenic, pesticides, herbicides and other nasty toxins?

Without the need for electricity or water pressure?  You have come to the right place…

Berkey water filters are the world’s most powerful and economical personal water purification filter for everyday at home and emergency use.  Sounds bold, but true! If you know of a more powerful and economical system, please inform us!



Perfect for everyday use at home, cottage, camp, RV, and a must in environments where electricity, water pressure and/or treated water may not be available.

Perhaps that’s why the Berkey water purifier has long been recognized as the world’s ultimate in water purification.  This simple, highly effective method of using gravity was developed almost 200 years ago… yet it still produces some of the finest, most healthful drinking water available.


santevia, alkaline water, alkalizing water, mineral stones, santevia mineral stones, natural mineral water, alkaline water systems, water filter stonesConscious Water is also offering alkalizing mineral stones to place in the lower reservoir or in a separate glass water dispenser.  This will raise the pH level of your drinking water, slowly alkalizing your body which strengthens immunity and increases digestive health.

Consuming the right type of water is vital to detoxifying the body’s acidic waste products and is one of the most powerful health treatments available. It is one of the simplest and most powerful things that you can do to combat a wide range of diseases”  

~ Dr. Terry Grossman, M.D., M.D.(H) (American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and American Holistic Medical Association)