About Us
Being 'local' is not only defined by kilometres or municipal borders, but also in the relationships fostered in doing business and making connections with the men, women and families who grow and raise our food. We would like to thank the businesses and people listed below who, by doing what they do, help us do what we do!
Barrie Hill Farms, Blue Ridge Meats, Clearview Tea Company, Creemore Coffee Company, Creemore Springs Brewery, Cursio Farms, Fernwood Farms and Market, Fiddlefoot Farm, Flevo Farms, Hoffman's Meats, K2 Milling, Matthew Flett, Miller's Dairy, Ontario Fisheries, Ontario Natural Food CoOp, Osprey Bluffs Honey, Rob Roy Market Garden, Roy L'Acres Farm, Sola Side Door, The New Farm, 100 Mile Store......