Creemore Village Pharmacy in Creemore
On September 30 at 1:40 PM
COLD-FX isn’t just a great cold and flu prevention tool; it helps you when you’re sick too. That’s because it’s formulated to reduce the severity of cold and flu symptoms so when you have a cold or flu, you won’t feel as bad. Plus, it’s formulated to shorten the duration of your cold and flu symptoms, which means that you can get rid of your cold faster.

Creemore Village Pharmacy in Creemore
On September 21 at 3:32 PM
Could this really be the end of arthritis pain?

Creemore Village Pharmacy in Creemore
On September 15 at 2:51 PM
Before you leave the pharmacy with a brand new prescription, make sure you know the answers to some of these important questions: What medical condition is the new medication treating? When can you expect to see the benefits of the medication? What are the most common side effects of the medication and how can you manage them?

Creemore Village Pharmacy in Creemore
On September 09 at 3:22 PM
8 Surprising Health Advantages You Have as a Morning Person. Read more:

Creemore Village Pharmacy in Creemore
On September 02 at 10:34 AM
Remembering when and how to take your medications properly can be a challenging task. Use our Common Medication Problems database to answer frequently asked medication questions.

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