About Us
Ava Zaritzky has been studying people and life for a very long time. Originally from Montreal, she recieved her Master of Social Work Degree in 1978 from the University of Toronto and proceeded to work in Ottawa at the National Defence Medical Center. She met many fierce warriors there, with shrapnell filled bodies and stories to tell.
She later worked on General Medicine, Psychiatry, and Surgical Units at other hospitals in Toronto and met more heros and teachers of strength , finding their way back from changed lives - life and death their constant companions. Ava felt privledged to advocate with them for the best care and medical interventions that were available. She had unlimited learning about MEDICAL MARVELS , and life tragedies that also happen.
HEALING TOUCH was a course of study that Ava took in 1990 that taught the gifts of SUBTLE ENERGY - a world of information that can assist people to harness their own INNER resources to help in their life challenges. The goal in Healing Touch is to recover balance in all aspects of our lives (body, mind, emotion, spirit) and to move toward WHOLENESS and HEALING. She learned that by accessing these tools one can find compassion and peace for themselves and others .
Ava found a way to blend the best of what she learned from both worlds of Tradtional Social Work and the study of Healing Touch and energy based therapies to offer her clients what she calls HOLISTIC SOCIAL WORK. Her company is called Healing From the Heart. She works with individuals who desire a companion as they journey towards personal healing .
Ava is also a Instructor of the HEALING TOUCH INTERNATIONAL ceritificate program and she works out of Collingwood Ontario . WWW.healingtouchcanada.net She can be reached at 705-445-9466