Meegs Jigs & Tubes

From $5.50 + TX


The Meegs has become a very popular bait on Lake Simcoe. The basic design also mimics a feeding baitfish or sculpin on bottom. They've been designed with strong, razor sharp hooks for more successful hookups.Get creative and tip this bait with plastic and livebait to entice finicky biters. 
For whitefish, these baits are best fished on bottom. To lure in fish, lift the bait a foot or two and drop it back on bottom. This will stir up a cloud of fine sediment and will gather the attention of any fish in the area. This is often called "crashing the bottom". Once fish have moved into the area, quiver the bait with a nervous twitch to entice bites. Also, try using the bait a few feet off bottom for lake trout, utilize larger jigging motions to lure in fish, then entice them  to bite with the quiver technique. This technique is a great way to entice finicky fish. 

If you're using a flasher or sonar and notice a fish has entered the screen but will not commit, pull the bait from the fish by reeling it up, this will usually entice a strike. Your essentially playing "hard to get" and teasing the fish into chasing your lure and committing before the bait disappears from view.

This bait is best used for catching Whitefish and Lake Trout but will catch many other gamefish including perch, walleye and northern pike.


In stock!!
Date Added 2018-02-18
Product Id 10416971