There’s no beating a farm-fresh tomato, or freshly laid egg! Local food has to travel less time to reach you - that means no flights on airplanes, no trips on trains, no long truck drives. Just a short trip from farm to plate! Get your hands on something fresh today and eat local!
#GetFresh #FarmToPlate #LocalFood #LocalFarms #Locavore #ShopLocally #SupportLocal #LoveLocal #ShopSmall
Shopping locally means spending less time traveling in your car. Maybe you can even leave the car at home and do your errands on foot or by bicycle sometimes! Fewer cars on the road means less traffic, less noise, and less pollution. Just another reason to shop small!
#Sustainability #EnvironmentallyFriendly #ShopLocally #SupportLocal #ShopSmall #ShopLocal
Just a reminder, this Sunday is Mother’s Day! To find the best Mother’s Day deals all around Thornbury, check here:
#MothersDay #Mom #Mothers #ShopLocally #SupportLocal #LoveLocal #SupportLocal #ShopSmall
Not to start a panic, but you’ve got about a week before Christmas! Get your gifts and stocking stuffers locally today and beat the rush! And let us know where you’ll be shopping - we love to hear about the local stores in Thornbury!
#ShopLocally #SupportLocal #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #ThinkLocal #ThinkLocalFirst #BuyLocalOrByeByeLocal #Local #LocalMovement #GiveLocal
Arr, we be practicin’ all morning but avast me mateys, how d’ya say ‘Shop Locally’ in Pirate?! We do reckon that ye are a scurvy buccaneer if ye don’t support yer local ports and anchorages though.
#ShopLocally #SupportLocal #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #TalkLikeAPirateDay #tlapd