There are summer job openings posted on Indeed - Wasaga Beach, Collingwood & the surrounding area.
It's not too early for teens to think about how they're going to spend their summer and this is a good way to: gain practical experience | test drive jobs & companies to see if they're a good fit | develop life skills & earn their own money.
What's a good job fit? Ask me to find out more...
It's only 2-weeks to the first Canadian Ignition! Coach Certification Training event at STEM Minds in Aurora! If you work with young people or are looking to work with them, Ignition! is an excellent way to help youth discover their passion, develop confidence, determine their purpose & begin to design a successful & fulfilling life! Why not join me & the Youth Empower Movement!
It was great being a guest expert on a recent episode of Mommy Talk!
I got to share the importance of empowering young people to be the absolutely best they can be! With support from their "team" (parents, educators, coaches) and using great programs, like Ignition!, they can design a successful, fulfilling and happy life.
I'm very excited to announce my new coaching program - Ignition!
Using a combination of coaching, training, conversation & exploration, I empower young people (& the young at heart) to build confidence, boost self worth and create a vision & pathway for a successful and fulfilled life.
Why not schedule a free 30 minute chat to find out more.